Soul Savers
Soul Savers is a seven-part study to nurture the soul. As human beings we are good at feeding the body and mind but being human is holistically; body, mind and soul.
Using a Q & A format I offer you this short series to feed the soul - hence the name ‘Soul Savers.’

Session One . Good News, read all about it!
The best good news ever is the Gospel, life-changing truth of Jesus Christ. In him alone do we discover the way to ignite our souls to fully live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Let us delve deeper into this wonderful mystery.

Session Two . What a Friend!
Jesus Christ longs to be a personal friend, not a philosophy, not a moral code nor a creed of beliefs. Jesus gives himself to you. He wants to live in you and be with you. He wants to have an everyday walking, talking relationship with you. What a friend!

Session Three . Eternal Life, Fact or Fiction
The Bible teaches that one thing is assured after death…. eternity! Either eternal life or eternal death. Let us explore how we can be assured of eternal life in this Soul Savers Session 3.

Session Four . Under Attack!
God is greater than any enemy or crisis that you may face (spiritual or other). Through His strength, you can be more than a conqueror. In fact, your trials can be turned into opportunities for real spiritual growth and blessing if you stay close to the Lord. Let us dig deeper in session 4.

Session Five . Becoming more Christ-like.
The Christian life is a journey, it is more than Soul Saving, it is about growing up "into maturity” (Ephesians 4:13). No matter what you have already become in the grace of God, there is more to come. Enter in.

Session Six . Good Christian Habits.
Developing good Christian habits are not meant to be chores they are meant to liberate you into a closer walk and better talk with God day by day. Find out more in SS session 6.

Session Seven . Telling Others.
Your faith story and the impact Christ has had on your life will speak to your friends. In the power of His Spirit, the Lord sends you out to be His witness "of what you have seen and heard" (Acts 22:15). What a deal, you are a co-worker with Jesus Christ in telling the good news of His salvation. Go Forth!