Session One . Good News, read all about it!

Good News, read all about it!

The message of Jesus Christ is such Good News, we would encourage you to dig deeper, ask probing questions, and find answers in the Bible.

Each one of us is a combination of Body Mind and Soul.  We pay a lot of attention to the Body and the Mind but too often the Soul is not in focus. This seven-session course will re-address that inattention by guiding us to soul-saving bible verses and facts in a Q&A style.

We live in an age where good news is no news, or at best, it is shoe-horned in as a filler at the end of the other News coverage.
The best news ever should be headline news – breaking news - that God intended for us to have a daily living relationship with him. Within each one of us is a soul that needs to become spiritually alive and nurtured.

 Over these next few sessions, I am going to direct you to key verses that address the needs of the soul.  Deep within our person is a spiritual instinct to seek and find what our soul longs for. If you go on this journey of discovery it will make such a difference in your life that you will wonder why you waited till now to think about it.


We have organised the ‘soul-savers’ into seven short ‘sessions.’  But don’t be put off by the idea of ‘sessions’, we will guide you to the answers. Click & Collect will give you some pointers to help you think it through.

 We believe there is a power in the Holy Bible that makes it more than just an old book that has got dusty on your bookshelf, it is the ‘living Word.’  Each session is designed to help you pick up the ‘old book’ again and look for answers.

If you do not have a modern version of the bible or at least the ‘New Testament’ then you can use our ‘click and collect’ finger to fast find bible verses. It will be good practice to write or copy and paste your answers in the box provided, thereby building up your own reference document.  I believe it will feed your soul and go deeper with you if you create a course document or journal.


Are you ready? Sitting comfortably, then we’ll begin…

  • Session 1:     Good news, read all about it!
    Session 2:     Jesus Christ, what a friend.
    Session 3:     Eternal Life, fact or fiction?
    Session 4:     Under Attack.
    Session 5:     Becoming more Christ like.
    Session 6:     Good Christian Habits.
    Session 7:     Telling others


I recommend that you enter the sessions in numerical order 1 to 7 rather than ‘jumping around.’  Each Soul-Savers session will require some thought and some referring to the Bible text or I have made it easy for you to Click & Collect the answers if you are online!  If you download the session you can start now and come back to it later and move on to the next session.


I welcome comments and questions by email or add them to the form before submitting, hope you like the format and the content.

If you would like your own copy of the New Testament and Psalms just drop me an email and I will send you one free of charge.

Session One


Session Two . What a Friend!