Session Three . Eternal Life, Fact or Fiction

Eternal Life:  Fact or Fiction?

Most people seem to accept that there must be something after this life. The revelations of near-death experiences and increasing awareness of Spirituality of various roots and styles. That, coupled with people’s recognition that there is a design, order and beauty in creation all around us, leads many to be open to exploring the question, is there such a phenomenon as Eternal Life?

The Bible teaches that one thing is assured after death. Eternity…and the choice of eternity is eternal life or eternal death.  Some would like to dwell on the nature and meaning of ‘eternal death’ but it’s a road I do not wish to go down in this session. The reason is simple, you can be sure of eternal life, and I’d rather help you with that than worry you about the other.

When I was a teenager in Ireland there was a lot of talk about being ‘Saved.’ I don’t hear much about being ‘saved’ these days and maybe we should revisit where the phrase comes from. The bible talks about Jesus being our Saviour and about Salvation being found no other name (which is pretty hard to swallow for other religions but that’s what our scriptures say) and John 14:6 is quite clear – no one can get to God the Father except through Jesus. He says;

“I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me."

 When the Holy Spirit breathes new life into our spirit we are ‘saved’ for all time and eternity.  That is salvation and although we have to receive this truth in faith (by believing it) salvation is real and Eternity is real. You can know it. God doesn’t want you to be in doubt or to be apprehensive about this new ‘life’. He has given you the Bible to check it out and that’s why we are using the bible so much in ‘Soul Savers.’ 

In the Bible, God says you are adopted into His family and he wants to assure you so "you may know that you have eternal life – you who believe in the Son of God" (1 John 5:13) (Romans 8:16)

Note well, Salvation is not a FIF (funny internal feeling).  The same Holy Spirit that inspired the writing of the scriptures will assure you, that you are saved. "It is the Spirit that bears witness; because the Spirit is truth" (1 John 5:6). It is not just emotion, although this may accompany it. Salvation is something you know, not because you feel it, but because you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again to defeat those sins and to defeat death. He is the only one who is able to forgive us and he loves to do so! These are truths whether you feel like shouting or crying. Your confidence depends upon the goodness and mercy of God, not on our own goodness.  All God expects of us is to ‘repent’ (be sorry and turn away from the sin) and believe.  Now that was a belly full of jargon for you! But be assured God will keep His promises.

If you do feel something in your guts (inner being) you are sensing the realisation that your sins are forgiven and that you are free from condemnation, a burden has been lifted. There is a resulting sense of inner peace, abiding joy, and confidence in the future. You do not know what the future holds, but you know God loves you, and He holds your future.

This is your assurance. The sin, which separated you and God, is nailed to the Cross. You are reconciled. God is no longer a stranger to you. He is your Father. You are His adopted child. The Bible is your Authority. The Holy Spirit is your inner witness. Your own sense of peace agrees. That's enough to settle any doubt.

On with Session Three… same format…. I ask the questions ….you ‘Click and collect’ the answers from the bible. You can use the form below or download the questions to search. All the best.

Session Three


Session Two . What a Friend!


Session Four . Under Attack!