- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 13
- 1 Corinthians 15
- 1 John
- 1 John 3
- 1 Kings
- 1 Kings 19
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Samuel 16
- 1 Samuel 2
- 1 Samuel 3
- 1 Samuel 7
- 1 Samuel 9
- 2 Timothy
- 2 Timothy 1
- 2 Timothy 2
- 2 Timothy 3
- 2 Timothy 4
- Acts
- Acts 1
- Acts 10
- Acts 17
- Acts 2
- Acts 3
- Acts 4
- Acts 9
- Advent
- Amazing Grace
- Article
- Ascension
- Ash Wednesday
- Blessed are the Meek
- Christmas
- Colossians
- Colossians 3
- Colossians 4
- Daniel
- Daniel 3
- Daniel 4
- Easter
- Ephesians
- Ephesians 2
- Ephesians 6
- Exodus
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 24
- Ezekiel
- Ezekiel 33
- Ezekiel 34
- Forgiveness
Sermons & Talks
Praying the Psalms
Psalms have been the songbook for the Hebrew people for several millennia . Psalms is not meant to be autobiographical but written for other worshippers pray and praise. Imagine writing your own Psalm!
Morning Prayer: Grafted
Romans 11 is more than a message about Gentiles being grafted in to the family of God - it is a message of humility.
Natural Evangelism
We begin a series called 'Natural Evangelism.' We are all missioners or evangelists - bringers of Good News. Let us find out more.
Run the Race
The writer of Hebrews urges us to fix our eyes on Jesus as we run the race of the Christian life until we meet him face to face.
The Armour of God
We are in spiritual battle. In the heat of this tussle, Paul urges us, to ‘Put on the whole armour of God.’ What did he mean?
Breaking Down Barriers
Paul reminds his readers of the dramatic change that has taken place in their lives, how barriers have been broken down. All because of the cross. Let us go deeper.
Prime Ministry - M&Ms
Jesus named his 12 disciples and sent them out. What a responsibility! Likewise we have a responsibility to minister for Jesus where we are today. What a challenge.
Anchored up
There is one aspect of this Anchor metaphor that we have yet to explore. Then there is a green salad to contend with! Find out more
Anchored to the Rock
The writer of the letter to the Hebrews had a pastors heart. He writes words of warning and encouragement and directs then to a sure and steadfast hope. Find out more…
The Timeline
We all have a story to tell about anchoring up to God in the storms of life. This session involves a bit of creativity from you, a bit of testimony and quiet reflection and prayer. Enter in.
God Chooses
This passage seems obscure but it has everything to do with God at work in our society and culture today.
Anchored Up
The book of Hebrews is like a sermon, there is a warning, words of encouragement and a call to be anchored to the solid Rock - Jesus.
The Day of Pentecost
Was it a coincidence that the day of Pentecost was the day the Holy Spirit, was given to the church? No chance! Fifty days after the resurrection, their waiting was over. No coincidence, God-instance