- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 13
- 1 Corinthians 15
- 1 John
- 1 John 3
- 1 Kings
- 1 Kings 19
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Samuel 16
- 1 Samuel 2
- 1 Samuel 3
- 1 Samuel 7
- 1 Samuel 9
- 2 Timothy
- 2 Timothy 1
- 2 Timothy 2
- 2 Timothy 3
- 2 Timothy 4
- Acts
- Acts 1
- Acts 10
- Acts 17
- Acts 2
- Acts 3
- Acts 4
- Acts 9
- Advent
- Amazing Grace
- Article
- Ascension
- Ash Wednesday
- Blessed are the Meek
- Christmas
- Colossians
- Colossians 3
- Colossians 4
- Daniel
- Daniel 3
- Daniel 4
- Easter
- Ephesians
- Ephesians 2
- Ephesians 6
- Exodus
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 24
- Ezekiel
- Ezekiel 33
- Ezekiel 34
- Forgiveness
Sermons & Talks
Christ the King: Past Present and Future
Christ the King is a fitting end to the Church year and a great opportunity to emphasise what Christ the King means to us today.
Veni Vidi Preachi - He Came, He Saw, He Preached
When Paul was in Athens, we could say, He Came He Saw and He Preached and that had a transformative effect on some of those philosophers who listened
The One and Only One
Peter could not be silenced by the authorities, there is no other name whereby we can be saved. How do we communicate this in a pluralistic society?
Maundy Thursday
On Thursday of the last week in the life of our Lord. In John’s Gospel, records what happened at a meal in an upper room. Now called the ‘Last Supper’ - Jesus washed their feet. Let us find out more.
Truth and Freedom
'Truth' and 'freedom', are words much bandied about today. We think of truth as an ‘absolute’ others imply that Truth is fluid. What does Jesus have to say about Truth?
The Christ We Share
Jesus’ was with the disciples in the upper room at the ‘Last Supper says to Philip, ‘Don’t you know me Philip?’
Using art from around the world we will ask the question what is Christ like for you, do you really know him? let us see.
Three Words
In a few words from Jesus’ conversation with the disciples in the upper room at the ‘Last Supper Jesus says he will not leave us alone, he will send another helper to be with us forever. What a promise!
Risen Indeed!
In this talk I assert that the resurrection is rational and relational and that it explains me. In a strange way, like Peter, I am a witness to the resurrection because it has changed me. Let us look deeper.
Prayer for Unity
The two major themes of Jesus’ prayer in that upper room was ‘That they may be protected in the world ’ and ‘that they would be united as one’ so that ‘the world may believe in Jesus.’ Shall we explore those themes?
Just like the restoration of a great Dutch Masterpiece, Peter was a restoration project of Jesus after his failures. In the same way, we can be restored, refreshed and renewed by our loving Lord Jesus
Sorrow and Joy - a Good Friday Meditation
In Good Friday we experience the depths of sorrow but John 16 promises joy will arise. Let us meditate on what it may have been like on Good Friday AD33.
The Trouble with Troubles
The trouble with trouble is that you cant define it and how you would sum it up is different to how I would describe it but Jesus says you will have it. Some of us have a lot, some not so much. Let us explore what Jesus means by saying, ‘take heart, I have overcome the world.’