- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 13
- 1 Corinthians 15
- 1 John
- 1 John 3
- 1 Kings
- 1 Kings 19
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Samuel 16
- 1 Samuel 2
- 1 Samuel 3
- 1 Samuel 7
- 1 Samuel 9
- 2 Timothy
- 2 Timothy 1
- 2 Timothy 2
- 2 Timothy 3
- 2 Timothy 4
- Acts
- Acts 1
- Acts 10
- Acts 17
- Acts 2
- Acts 3
- Acts 4
- Acts 9
- Advent
- Amazing Grace
- Article
- Ascension
- Ash Wednesday
- Blessed are the Meek
- Christmas
- Colossians
- Colossians 3
- Colossians 4
- Daniel
- Daniel 3
- Daniel 4
- Easter
- Ephesians
- Ephesians 2
- Ephesians 6
- Exodus
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 24
- Ezekiel
- Ezekiel 33
- Ezekiel 34
- Forgiveness
Sermons & Talks
Blessed are the Merciful for they will be shown mercy.
All this Blessedness, but what does it mean and how can we tap into it, join us as we explore the Beatitudes.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
The Persecuted is the last of the Beatitudes, I don’t think it wold be anyone’s favourite, but it happens.
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Every Christian according to Jesus, is meant to be a peacemaker both in the community and in the church. He didn’t say it would be easy. Find out more…
Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Blessed are the Pure in Heart is the sixth beatitude and is perhaps the most demanding of the eight beatitudes. Interested? Enter in.
Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
The Galilean’s were hungry for Jesus’ word, do we have that longing for him and his righteousness. Hope so, delve deeper.
Blessed are the Meek
Meek is a word we rarely use these days but what is it about meekness that finds blessedness?
Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn doesnt sound like a blessed state, does Jesus mean what he says, let’s find out.
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit may be the least understood of the eight beatitudes. Let us find out more