- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 13
- 1 Corinthians 15
- 1 John
- 1 John 3
- 1 Kings
- 1 Kings 19
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Samuel 16
- 1 Samuel 2
- 1 Samuel 3
- 1 Samuel 7
- 1 Samuel 9
- 2 Timothy
- 2 Timothy 1
- 2 Timothy 2
- 2 Timothy 3
- 2 Timothy 4
- Acts
- Acts 1
- Acts 10
- Acts 17
- Acts 2
- Acts 3
- Acts 4
- Acts 9
- Advent
- Amazing Grace
- Article
- Ascension
- Ash Wednesday
- Blessed are the Meek
- Christmas
- Colossians
- Colossians 3
- Colossians 4
- Daniel
- Daniel 3
- Daniel 4
- Easter
- Ephesians
- Ephesians 2
- Ephesians 6
- Exodus
- Exodus 20
- Exodus 24
- Ezekiel
- Ezekiel 33
- Ezekiel 34
- Forgiveness
Sermons & Talks
Three Words
In a few words from Jesus’ conversation with the disciples in the upper room at the ‘Last Supper Jesus says he will not leave us alone, he will send another helper to be with us forever. What a promise!
Risen Indeed!
In this talk I assert that the resurrection is rational and relational and that it explains me. In a strange way, like Peter, I am a witness to the resurrection because it has changed me. Let us look deeper.
Palm Sunday (Two Crowds)
Palm Sunday features one crowd, Good Friday features another. Which crowd are you in - we are called to be Salt and Light where we are.
Salt and Light
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus appointed his followers ‘salt and light’ but what did he mean? Let is dig deeper.
Paul Apostle of Christ.
In Galatians 1 we get a prequel a main story and a sequel all in fourteen verses. Let us enter in to the drama…
Something Understood
When Jesus beckoned the first disciples, they dropped all and followed him. Should we be like that or does he call us for different opportunities that he will reveal to us. Let us find out.
Geneaology and Good News
Let us think about the genealogy of Jesus, and his roots and discover that we can be rooted in him.
Advent . Mary’s Four Surprises
Today we read about the unexpected visit of Angel Gabriel to Mary.
Advent . Jesse Tree .
As we put up our Christmas trees, let us think about the earliest of Advent Trees - the Jesse Tree and ask who should we be rooted in this Advent season?
Advent: What is it, why is it important ?
As an Northern Irish Protestant I never heard the word ‘Advent’ not in church, not in our home - we would never even light a candle. But What is it? When will it be? Why is it important? Let us have some answers.
Christ the King: Forgiver
When Jesus shared a drama in three Acts about forgiveness, he was speaking about his favourite subject: the Kingdom of God. What can we learn from the forgiving king. How can forgiven people become forgiving people?
2 Timothy 4: Three H’s
In this final chapter of 2 Timothy, we can see three sections, Paul’s Herald, Paul’s Handover and Paul’s Huddle. Want to discover more? Let us delve deeper.
2 Timothy 3: Three stories
‘All scripture is God breathed’ is a well-known memory verse. ‘God breathed’ implies that Scripture is brought into existence by God, not that writers wrote it and God rubber-stamped it. For sure it is profitable, shall we explore?
2 Timothy 2: Three Metaphors
Paul instructs Timothy to correctly handle the Word of truth, so there must be a correct and an incorrect way to handle the word of truth. Today the church is desperately in need of people who will correctly handle the scriptures.
2 Timothy 1 - The Handover
This is Paul’s last letter ever written and in it, he is handing over the leading of the local church to Timothy. People who nurtured Timothy in the faith are named. Interesting, let us look into it further.
What has resurrection to do with Remembrance Sunday?
Lets us tune in to find out.
Taking Opportunities
When God looks at us he sees our potential. To rephrase that we have many opportunities to shine for him (i.e. to glorify him). Let us see what this parable teaches us.
Zacchaeus's Makeover
Zacchaeus was transformed by his encounter with Jesus. What do we know about this tax man who received a make-over from the inside out? Let us delve deeper into the story.