A Quick Hello!

This is Just a quick ‘hello’ to say I am looking forward to getting out and about to share the story of 'Lake of Tears.'
I am planning to visit Northern Ireland from the 3rd to 11th December and if you would like me to share the story of the Lake of Tears and my testimony at your church or group please do get in touch.
I will be in Coleraine (CCV) Causeway Coast Vineyard (DV) after the main service on Sunday 8th Dec and at 6pm that evening at First Portadown Presbyterian Church (DV). Other dates so far are closed groups but I will keep you posted with other details shortly.

The book launch at Lee Abbey was really encouraging, in fact, we sold out!
I have held back from writing to you while awaiting more books.
The reprint arrived on Monday (4 Nov) so there are plenty to go around now. 
Order details are here.

Finally, I’m looking forward to an interview with Matt Brown of UCB Radio at 11am on Monday 25 November.
You should be able to listen live or on catch-up through the UCB website.


Kelvin <><

ps There are more sermons and talks uploaded (including recently at Lee Abbey).


A New Years Greeting


Midsummers Message